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The H.O.S.S. Foundation
A Community for Men Surviving Homosexual Rape 

MALE HOMOSEXUAL RAPE​ is regarded as a "HOLOCAUST OF SOULS".  It is demonic, demoralizing and the most terrifying type of trauma a man can experience with over 834,700 men raped each year in the United States alone. ​


The H.O.S.S. FOUNDATION is dedicated to the physical and mental health of male rape survivors.  Unfortunately, the “Statute of Limitations” in the state of California only provide rape victims a window of three (3) years to report the crime to police and press criminal charges.  However, due to the lack of resources, knowledge, insight and literature associated with these crimes, most victims don’t even know their rights much less who they can call and by the time they do, it's too late !!! 


                                                                                                 ...UNTIL NOW ðŸ’œ 


Through generous donations from people like you, The HOSS Foundation will offer survivors numerous platforms for their individual voices to be heard, a place to go and attend weekly survivor meetings, get involved in various events, social media platforms, newsletters, fundraisers and meet other survivors, trauma experts, psychologists, criminal and civil attorneys, doctors and other handpicked professionals that are equipped to address this sensitive subject.   


Another very important goal of the Foundation is to cause the current California STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS to be overturned so that each and every offender of these horrific crimes can be held criminally and civilly accountable for their actions, no matter how long ago the offense took place.  


Together with your help, the Foundation will create direct lines to politicians, government officials and most importantly to the general public, raising awareness and educating people on the horrific and demonic truths associated with Male Sexual Assault, Male Gang Rape and Male Grooming while helping those in need to cope with the many challenges they face in their every day lives. 


Through various donations, sponsors and corporate partners, The HOSS Foundation will begin staffing various positions, acquiring offices with meeting space, designing artwork and educational materials and will raise awareness among all Americans about Male Sexual Assault and the holocaust of stolen souls that remain unspoken to and virtually ignored due to the ugly nature of these crimes.  The time has come for this to become a front and center issue that demands action by our local, state and federal governments as well as all United States Citizens.


In order to  create a safe and secure environment where male rape survivors can come together to face their demons, raise awareness and bring these horrific issues to light; educate people and help those in need while working to overturn the Statute of Limitations for prosecuting criminals of Male Sexual Assault, Male Rape, Male Gang Rape, Male Grooming and all other sexual crimes, we need your donation, no matter how small or large. Every dollar makes a difference.   


The H.O.S.S. Foundation will voice its messages through various platforms on social media, as well as on radio, television, in feature film, print, corporate special events, fundraising dinners and political campaigns, as well as making door to door visits to local residents in cities nationwide spreading awareness.​  Once established, first-rate service and individual personal attention is intended to be the focus of the Foundation and a cornerstone of the brand's success. All clients will receive conscientious, one-on-one, timely service in all capacities, be they physical, mental, or financial. This is expected to create a loyal brand following.   


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